Saturday, October 29, 2011

One Step Closer..

One step closer towards becoming an aunty… hahaha.. just can’t believe that my dearest cousin is getting married in two weeks time. Congratulations Marini.. wish u joy and happiness..always.. I know I should be happy for you.. I am. But deep down inside, there’s a feeling I could hardly explain. I just wanna let you know that I treasure every moment we spent together..the tears and laughter that we shared.. those memories will forever stay in my heart.. be it bitter, sweet or bittersweet..LOL =). I love you dear sis.. thank you so much for everything.. I know that we could never be like before since you’ll be having a new life but I really hope that we could still keep in touch…and meet up sometimes.. with your hubby and cute babiesssssssss of course.. hehehe.. Happy for you!! =)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

I promised to meet Katherine (one of my form 6 friends) last Wednesday. I was so excited. Went to IOI mall with her, had lunch together and cried out hearts out. We talked about studies, school days and sweethearts.. hahaha.. I am so glad that Katherine has changed a lot for the better. Back then, she was the most peculiar girl I have ever met. When others went to canteen during recess, she would stay in the class doing math. It was hard to her smiles and to discover what kind of person she really is as she rarely opened up to people. But that was two years ago. Now she is a better Katherine. She has made more friends and she would be the one calling me to join the rest for “yamcha”. The most interesting part that she shared when we met stroked me with excitement. She finally has someone special.. wow..=)

Nonetheless, Katherine is only part of what I intend to write actually.. the same fine day, Sia Pui Yan and Yap Wai Hong joined us. But it was unplanned… both of them just happened to work there. Since the group got bigger, the sharing expanded from one topic to another. Here are several questions asked to summarize the two-hour conversation;

1) Where are you studying now
2) When are you getting engaged
3) What is your major?
4) What are you going to be?
5) When is your final year?

And many more……

I felt down when answering those questions.. because compared to my friends.. I am far left behind.. I still have another 3 years to finish my degree. When I got into IPBA in 2009, the pressure was almost unbearable. Being among those who are younger than me makes me feel like I belong neither with them nor with my friends who are already in their final year. Thing that I regret most is my late application. If only I got into IPBA right after my SPM, I would have gone abroad..and 2012 would me my final year. I often told my mom how I regret that I did not apply earlier and her response would always silence me. “Tak baik berkalau-kalau… setiap apa yang terjadi tu ada hikmahnya”, she said. Those words are truly magical that they have the power to neutralize all the negative feelings I have about myself. Therefore, whenever I feel regretful, these are the things I would remind myself of;

1) Better late than never
2) The scholarship that I’m receiving helps a lot in lessening the burdens my parents have to shoulder
3) Age is just a number
4) Total of 5 ½ years is not that long if I enjoy every moment
5) There’s nothing wrong to be different
6) Say “If had applied earlier and studied abroad, I might not have met my wonderful form 6 friends and Raja Asyraf <3” instead of
“If I had applied earlier, I would have studied abroad”
7) Every cloud has a silver lining

The last on the list has the biggest impact…

Instead of regretting the past which cannot be undone, isn’t it better to move forward and cherish every single day with gratefulness? Dear friends… life does not always turn out the way we expect. In my life, I’ve met a lawyer who gave up her career to be a fulltime housewife, a doctor with passion in art and a law student who ended up taking business. The simplest explanation for these instances is that God has plans for us. No matter how our life twists, live it to the fullest and if it turns out to be something you hate, learn to love it… because without love, passion and interest, life is gonna be hell for you.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why Salboo Mcpie?

Notice the name above? When I was in form 5, my friends called me by that name. When I shifted to SMK Batu 8 (don’t laugh at the school’s name ok..) my new friends asked, “Why Salboo Mcpie?” or… instead of that, they would just say “Your nickname is so funny, not cool etc…” hehehe..

Now, let me tell you why. Let’s start with the SALLBOO part. When I was in form 5, I befriended quite a number of Indian friends.. I had one friend named Deebadarshini and people called her DEEBOO. Even if you watch Hindi movies, a person by the name Sanjana is called ‘Sanju’ and so forth. That’s how I got the name salBoo.

what about Aisywarya Rai? Aisyu perhaps.. =)

As for the McPie part, I have no idea why but my friend who liked cheese was called McCheese and my best friend who liked ‘crown’ was called McCrown. But don’t judge so easily. I was called McPie not because I liked pie. Curious? I was born on the 22nd of July. When you put the date in fraction it becomes 22/7. It’s the pie you learn in math.


That’s why people call me Salboo Mcpie =) initially it was just for fun. never thought that it will stick until now. I like the name makes me feel young.. hahaha.. LOL

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Writing Again

When I visited my blog, I realized that it has been nearly 2 years since the last time I blogged. That is quite some time, really. Couldnt recall y I stopped blogging.. Lost the passion maybe. or maybe because there was just so much to write about.. literature, linguistics, child development, philosophy etc… Not to mention the assignments that I’m paid to do (need to get some cash) Sigh. I remember a quote by Shirley Lim, the author of ‘Native Daugher’ (a short story that I had to analyze),

“I had a sense I should write about things I knew rather than read about things I didn’t know. I wanted to write my own voice, my own community” ~Shirley Lim

Here I am, writing my own voice again. Sometimes when I read people’s blogs, I wonder what I should write about myself since my life is so plain that I have to work really hard digging up something to babble about. Reasons for that are;

1) I don’t have anything on my own to be proud of,
2)I’m not famous like other people who appear on TV, Newspaper, Youtube etc
3)I don’t have skills to share like Hana Tajima (I didn’t know her until my fren told me) or Along Arman (super high-tech girl who teaches people how to customize blogs)
4)I don’t travel anywhere (have no nice pictures or new things to share

That’s why…

but why do I write again? Perhaps, the only thing I’m good at is writing and I lost the confidence to write since somebody ridiculed my English despite the fact that I’m an English teacher. (Shame on me, really). LOL. So why write now? To answer that, let’s just say that I had a nightmare, a wizard threatened to turn me into an autistic child so I can never write again if I don’t write now. Need to practice making up grandmother stories and fairy tales for children. LOL. =p

So what exactly happened over the years of disappearance?

MANY THINGS… My cousin sister, Nini got engaged with the love of her life. My twin aunties got married on the same day and they’re now expecting their first child. How amazing.. born on the same day, went to the same school, got married on the same day and I heard that their due date is also the same. LOL. It seems like my family is expanding this year since Im going have 6 newborn cousin brothers and sisters. Phew.. =) As for me, studies went well over the last four semesters. Except for the last semester, I think I failed a paper but the results haven’t come out yet. Nonetheless, planning to accept it positively and strive harder the semesters to come. =)

I just started watching Glee. To my awe, many said how anachronistic I am that I just discovered the famous show. Yeah I am… I don’t even follow Maharaja Lawak, Akademi Fantasia or anything on TV, so you should have expected my ignorance towards the show aired on Astro. Oh! One more thing, I don’t have astro at home. Pathetic? =)

Lets come back to ‘why do I write again..’

When I wrote this post, I noticed how hard it is for me, trying to write about myself, my life. In studying literature, I’ve been so good at reading between lines and interpreting the messages embedded in poems, short stories and novels. Reflecting on myself and interpreting the constipation I have when writing this, I figured out that I do not know myself. I do not know what’s so special about being me and that leads me to depreciate the woman in the mirror. Keronika (that’s why), I write again…=)